COVID-19: Save yourself first.

“Things are different for me because I’m gay.” That’s what I say to people when they ask about the COVID-19 vaccines and how I see them: a social and economic protection, before anything medical. Queer people, we have been suffering from another pandemic called AIDS. Remember? It’s still here. And if few of us actuallyContinue reading “COVID-19: Save yourself first.”

Opportunistic but fit.

Like the Evangelists with Trump, COVID has taught us a lot about fitness gurus: the health missionaries that constantly barge in on our lives to tell us we are living shamefully and should look more like them. According to them, my eating a third slice of cake is an irresponsible and dangerous behaviour that triggersContinue reading “Opportunistic but fit.”

Masks are the new condoms.

Like AIDS, we don’t know how to cure COVID-19 for good.But we know how to contain it, how to slow it down, maybe stop it.But we don’t want to.Like all my straight friends who never wore a condom because they “don’t have AIDS”, we don’t wear masks or badly because it’s a bother, it’s inconvenientContinue reading “Masks are the new condoms.”

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