Get learnt.

To someone who was trying to argue his anti-vax stance with their reading scientific articles, I replied: “You don’t read a scientific article like you read a newspaper. The average person has no idea how to read a scientific article.Unless you are trained, it will not teach you anything.It’s a minefield of scientific metalanguage andContinue reading “Get learnt.”

Marketing vs Soliciting

If a company uses a picture of a woman striking a sexy pose or wearing revealing attire, it’s “marketing strategy”. If a woman uses a picture of herself striking a sexy pose or wearing revealing attire, she’s a whore. Go figure. Actually, don’t. It’s right there: patriarchy.

Tell us what you think…

I get an email, followed by at least three reminder emails, asking me to review every single purchase I make on line. No! I mean, imagine if we had to give a review for every single item we buy in the shops. Cashier: That’s an apple. Me: Indeed. Cashier: What did you think about ourContinue reading “Tell us what you think…”

A tale of two invasions

The speed at which the Talibans are regaining control of Afghanistan “beggars belief” considering the US has been there, “bringing democracy” for 15 years. The US and UK alike are still stuck in an immediate post WWII world and their policy is dictated by what they supposedly achieved: They built enduring democracies in Japan andContinue reading “A tale of two invasions”

The shirt analogy

To make boys understand what girls have to go through everyday with unwanted comments and aggressions based on what they wear, I have been an analogy they will understand. I like Liverpool FC football shirts. I love the design of the badge and back in the early 2010s, they were using colours such as darkContinue reading “The shirt analogy”

Straight or gay?

Straight bars: Reggaeton on a loop, vapid lurkers standing in groups in a cloud smell of rancid onion, aggressive bouncers, cunty bartenders, DJ thinks he’s Jesus, most women are the CDC’s experimental breeding ground for STDs. Gay bars: None of that! All the straight men I know want to go to gay bars.

Democracy begins and ends with you.

Why should political parties listen to people who refuse to vote in the first place? This is an exercise in futility. Democratic governments are made to listen to what voters say, if you choose to not speak, it’s your loss. Stop expecting strangers to behave as selflessly as your parents.

COVID-19: Save yourself first.

“Things are different for me because I’m gay.” That’s what I say to people when they ask about the COVID-19 vaccines and how I see them: a social and economic protection, before anything medical. Queer people, we have been suffering from another pandemic called AIDS. Remember? It’s still here. And if few of us actuallyContinue reading “COVID-19: Save yourself first.”

Of masks and stars

“Masks are like yellow stars.” “Vaccines are like yellow stars.” No. Nazi Germany is a society based on conspiracy theories and eugenics.Nazis believed that being a Jew was a disease threatening the purity and survival of their race. They called it a cancer but they had no cure. No cure, because Judaism is not aContinue reading “Of masks and stars”

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