
Fascism is a cult of the leader, who promises national restoration in the face of supposed humiliation by ethnic or religious minorities, liberals, feminists, immigrants, and homosexuals. The fascist leader claims the nation has been humiliated and its masculinity threatened by these forces. It must regain its former glory and often its former territory withContinue reading “Fascism”

The judge is the tree hiding the forest

Blaming the judge in the Rittenhouse case is yet another trick to distract people away from the real problem: a criminal system built to allow brazen crimes proudly committed to go unpunished, when committed by a certain type of person. It’s true that the judge did everything by the book because that’s what you doContinue reading “The judge is the tree hiding the forest”

They said “No no no”

Every boomer: Have you seen your rent?! You should buy! Next boomer: Yeah! Paying back a mortgage will be much cheaper. Boomer at the back: I agree. You’re being daft not to invest properly. Boomer at the bank: A loan?! Fuck you! I’m renting.

A tale of two invasions

The speed at which the Talibans are regaining control of Afghanistan “beggars belief” considering the US has been there, “bringing democracy” for 15 years. The US and UK alike are still stuck in an immediate post WWII world and their policy is dictated by what they supposedly achieved: They built enduring democracies in Japan andContinue reading “A tale of two invasions”

Democracy begins and ends with you.

Why should political parties listen to people who refuse to vote in the first place? This is an exercise in futility. Democratic governments are made to listen to what voters say, if you choose to not speak, it’s your loss. Stop expecting strangers to behave as selflessly as your parents.

COVID-19: Save yourself first.

“Things are different for me because I’m gay.” That’s what I say to people when they ask about the COVID-19 vaccines and how I see them: a social and economic protection, before anything medical. Queer people, we have been suffering from another pandemic called AIDS. Remember? It’s still here. And if few of us actuallyContinue reading “COVID-19: Save yourself first.”

It’s always one-sided

The reductive notion that politics is “just” politics, and we can be friends with those who “disagree” with us, doesn’t apply to people who don’t have the privilege of being able to treat politics as abstraction, rather than their everyday, oppressive realities. Politics isn’t something those who are marginalized can just compartmentalize and neatly putContinue reading “It’s always one-sided”

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