Not all of them

It is true that not all men are misogynistic but if we took away all men, we would not be having this conversation. It works for “not all white people are racists”, “not all straight people are homophobic”…

Marketing vs Soliciting

If a company uses a picture of a woman striking a sexy pose or wearing revealing attire, it’s “marketing strategy”. If a woman uses a picture of herself striking a sexy pose or wearing revealing attire, she’s a whore. Go figure. Actually, don’t. It’s right there: patriarchy.

The shirt analogy

To make boys understand what girls have to go through everyday with unwanted comments and aggressions based on what they wear, I have been an analogy they will understand. I like Liverpool FC football shirts. I love the design of the badge and back in the early 2010s, they were using colours such as darkContinue reading “The shirt analogy”

It’s always one-sided

The reductive notion that politics is “just” politics, and we can be friends with those who “disagree” with us, doesn’t apply to people who don’t have the privilege of being able to treat politics as abstraction, rather than their everyday, oppressive realities. Politics isn’t something those who are marginalized can just compartmentalize and neatly putContinue reading “It’s always one-sided”

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