Not all of them

It is true that not all men are misogynistic but if we took away all men, we would not be having this conversation. It works for “not all white people are racists”, “not all straight people are homophobic”…

Give us strength!

People asking about International Men’s Day on International Women’s Day are like people who would say: “You’re done all this stuff about slaves so when are you going to talk about slave owners?”Or“We’re doing HIV Awareness Day but I don’t have AIDS so when’s my day?” Richard Herring

Brain work

“Let’s try again but with more than one collective brain cell this time.”Kara Corvus “His problem is his having a single neuron spinning very fast one way that he’s trying to catch, but he’s running in the other direction.”Guy Carlier. Angus Deaton: Julia Carling’s ‘what?’ upheld.Janette Street Porter: Brain cell.

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