Covid-19: Vous d’abord!

“Les choses sont différentes pour moi parce que je suis homosexuel. » C’est ce que je dis aux gens quand ils me demandent ce que je pense du vaccin pour le COVID-19. Je vois une protection sociale et économique, avant toute considération médicale. Les homos, nous souffrons d’une autre épidémie qui s’appelle le Sida. Vous vousContinue reading “Covid-19: Vous d’abord!”

The key question is Why?

In the face of the unjustifiable, this little question is like those tiny flies hovering in front of you, sometimes poking your nostrils or corners of your eyes. I love asking it. For instance, until last week, in France, an adult that admitted to having with sex with a child under 15 did not reallyContinue reading “The key question is Why?”

Sex education is key to civilised sex.

No, pornography is not responsible for sexual violence. Pornography is no visionary, it doesn’t create behaviour, it reflects our behaviour. It did not invent anything: rape or anything violent you see in porn, it already existed and on much larger and once, sadly acceptable scales, actually. Pornography just make it visible because it turns outContinue reading “Sex education is key to civilised sex.”

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